Migrant Worker Survey: Help migrant workers get fair treatment

Migrant Worker reforms

The Federal Government is currently making changes to Australia’s migration programs. We have an opportunity to elevate migrants’ voices and influence this process. The Migrant Workers Centre is doing a survey about migrants’ experience of staying on visas in Australia. This is to get migrant workers a fair treatment.

Many migrant workers struggle to secure permanent residency and at the same time are exposed to labour exploitation and racial discrimination. Many of the staff at the Migrant Workers Centre have the same experience. 

The Federal Government is currently making changes to Australia’s migration programs. We have an opportunity to elevate migrants’ voices and influence this process. We’re running a campaign for better pathways to permanent residency for all migrants including international students and refugees. As part of the campaign, we are conducting a survey about migrants’ experience of staying on visas in Australia.

This survey is part of our campaign for permanent residency to all overseas-born people in Australia including international students and refugees. Your answers will be kept confidential and used only for policy development purposes. You can read our privacy policy or ask questions to us from our website. 

Click here to go to the survey.

The survey collects responses from anyone who has ever stayed on a visa (both permanent and temporary visas, including a visitor visa or a bridging visa). It will help us explain how visas affect people’s jobs, housing, and social life, and what challenges they face when applying for visas. We will share insights from the survey through publications, conferences, and submissions to the Government. 


Migrant worker reforms
Help make matters better for migrant workers. Do the survey – click the image to go to the survey




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