There are five active cases of people with COVID-19 in Shepparton currently. There was one new case in the last 24 hours that is linked to an existing case and one case from Campaspe Shire reallocated to Greater Shepparton. The active cases are in two households and there does not appear to be a link between these household.
Active Cases ~
There are five active cases of people with COVID-19 in Shepparton currently. There was one new case in the last 24 hours that is linked to an existing case and one case from Campaspe Shire reallocated to Greater Shepparton. The active cases are in two households and there does not appear to be a link between these household.
Exposure Sites ~
It is understood there has been positive cases in the community who were infectious from Wednesday 15 September.
Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 is urged to get tested as soon as any symptoms occur.
The contact tracing team are working as hard as they can to complete interviews and gather information regarding exposure sites. Please continue to monitor the Department of Health’s website for up to date information regarding exposure sites in Shepparton and across Victoria which can be found at
Getting Tested ~
Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19, no matter how mild, (such as fever, chills, cough, sore throat, runny nose, loss of sense of smell), headache should get tested immediately. Please note, some people with COVID-19 have reported symptoms of nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea with an accompanying headache so please don’t dismiss these symptoms.
Do not delay getting a test for COVID-19 and stay at home until you receive your test result.
Testing Locations & Opening Hours ~
Details regarding current testing sites and opening times is provided below:
- GV Health Acute Respiratory Clinic, Graham St, Shepparton – Walk up site, open 8am-4pm (seven days).
- Shepparton Showgrounds, High street Shepparton (enter from Archer Street) – Drive through site, open 9:00am-5:00pm (Sunday & weekdays)
How to register for your COVID-19 Test prior to attending:
- If you have had a COVID test in the last 60 days, please present your existing unique registration number (URN) at the testing site.
- If you have NOT had a COVID test in the last 60 days, please complete the registration form at
- You will then receive a URN which you should present to staff at the testing site.
Vaccination ~
Anyone who has not been vaccinated should book an appointment as soon as possible. Vaccination protects you from getting COVID-19 so please book an appointment to be vaccinated as soon as possible.
The GV Health Vaccination Centre at the McIntosh Centre is open weekdays, Tuesday evenings and Saturdays. There are appointments available at the McIntosh Centre and online bookings can be made for all state vaccination centres at or by calling 1800 675 398.
General practices and community pharmacies are also providing COVID-19 vaccinations and further information can be found at
Please rely on information from trusted and reliable places regarding vaccination – information is available from the Department of Health at COVID-19 vaccines | Coronavirus Victoria.