Because you can’t talk about racism without talking about mental health, the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health has produced a series of translated videos about racism and mental health in 10 languages.
Racism is real, it is prevalent, and we see it as a pandemic.
Watch our 2-minute video about Racism and Mental Health. We can’t talk about one without the other.
Content support:
This video features a series of illustrations. It has a voiceover that talks about examples of everyday racism and how you can seek support if you experience racism. View from the 1 min 30 second point if you’d like to watch the support section and skip the examples.
Here’s a summary of how to seek support:
1) Stay connected and talk to people you trust
2)Find ways to move your body in your daily life
3) Connect with like-minded, caring people and groups
4) You can seek help from a mental health professional at any time.
5) Talk to your doctor about options.
Because you can’t talk about racism without talking about mental health, the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health has produced a series of translated videos about racism and mental health in 10 languages. The videos outline examples of everyday racism, how racism impacts mental health, and ways to seek support. Watch the videos, which are available in Arabic, Cantonese, Dari, English, Farsi, Korean, Mandarin, Punjabi, Swahili, Turkish and Vietnamese, here.
Click the Image to go to your language video:
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