$250 Power Saving Bonus

Victorian Government's $250 Power Saving BonusThe Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria has been working with multicultural communities to help people access the Victorian Government’s $250 Power Saving Bonus, and we welcome the news that the program has been extended to enable all Victorian households to receive the $250 Bonus from 1 July. Eligible concession card holders who have previously claimed the Power Saving Bonus will also be eligible to receive another $250 under this new program.

The Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria has been working with multicultural communities to help people access the Victorian Government’s $250 Power Saving Bonus, and we welcome the news that the program has been extended to enable all Victorian households to receive the $250 Bonus from 1 July. Eligible concession card holders who have previously claimed the Power Saving Bonus will also be eligible to receive another $250 under this new program.

What is the $250 Power Saving Bonus?

The $250 Power Saving Bonus is a one-off payment to support Victorian households during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. It is available to households with at least one eligible concession cardholder.

Only one Bonus is available per household.

$250 Power Saving Bonus

The Power Saving Bonus is a $250 payment from the Victorian Government to help towards your power bill. If you need help accessing the Power Saving Bonus, we can assist you.

Am I eligible?

To be eligible for the Power Saving Bonus, you must be a Victorian residential energy consumer (i.e. have a residential electricity account) aged over 18 years, and be receiving payments under one of the following concession programs:

  • Centrelink Pensioner Concession
  • JobSeeker, Youth Allowance, Austudy or Abstudy
  • Department of Veterans Affairs Pensioner Concession
  • Department of Veterans Affairs Gold Card

Holders of Health Care Cards who are not recipients of Youth Allowance, JobSeeker, Austudy or Abstudy are not eligible.

What do I need for the application process?

Before you get in touch with us to help you with your application, you will need:

  • Your electricity bill
  • Your Pensioner Concession Card, OR
  • Your Health Care Card (for JobSeeker, Youth Allowance, Austudy or Abstudy)

Click here to get in touch

Frequently Asked Questions

How many people per household can apply?

Only one payment is available per household.

I receive an eligible concession benefit but the bill is not in my name. Am I eligible to apply for the $250 Bonus?

Yes. Applicants who receive an eligible concession benefit can apply for the $250 Bonus regardless of whether they are the energy account holder. You will still need to provide a copy of your electricity bill to confirm your address.

How long does it take to receive the Power Saving Bonus?

You should receive your $250 payment via Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) within 2-3 weeks of applying for it. Cheque payments will take a little longer to process, but it should be received within 4 weeks.


When applying for the $250 Bonus you will be asked to provide certain information to confirm your eligibility.

Information you provide about your concession card will only be used to assess your Power Saving Bonus application. As part of that assessment, the Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning will share your concession card details with Centrelink/Services Australia for the purpose of validating the information you have provided.

Your use of Victorian Energy Compare and the Power Saving Bonus is governed by the Victorian Energy Compare website’s privacy statement.

How do I apply?

ECCV is here to help you with the application. Please click the button below to fill the form and someone will be in touch with you shortly. For any other questions, you can call 0466 038261 for assistance with your application.

For more information about the Power Saving Bonus, visit www.compare.energy.vic.gov.au

Please note: ECCV is assisting people to access the Power Saving Bonus. We do NOT set the eligibility requirements for the Power Saving Bonus and have no control over who receives the payment.

Click here to get in touch


Victorian Government's $250 Power Saving Bonus
Victorian Government’s $250 Power Saving Bonus


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