Victorian Energy Compare is the Victorian Government’s free energy price comparison website that allows you to find the cheapest electricity or gas plan for your household or small business. You can also use the website to calculate how much money you could save on your energy bills by installing solar panels. The Ethnic Council is offering assistance to refugees, asylum seekers, migrants and language challenged persons to access this government service.
What is Victorian Energy Compare
Victorian Energy Compare is the Victorian Government’s free energy price comparison website that allows you to find the cheapest electricity or gas plan for your household or small business. You can also use the website to calculate how much money you could save on your energy bills by installing solar panels.
Victorian Energy Compare makes it easy to compare and find your best energy offer. All you need to do is answer a few simple
questions about your energy usage, and the website will show you the best available offers based on your energy needs. Seven
out of ten people can save money by using the Victorian Energy Compare website, with typical annual household savings of $330
on energy bills in the first year alone.
Further guidance:
- Frequently Asked Questions
- How to compare offers on Victorian Energy Compare
- How to switch energy offers
- How to read your bill
$250 Power Saving Bonus for Victorian households
The new $250 Power Saving Bonus program will provide a once-off payment of $250 for Victorian Households to ease cost-of-living
pressures and encourage Victorians to compare their household energy prices and save money.
Victorian households can apply for the new $250 Power Saving Bonus from 1 July 2022. Applications are open to all Victorians
households who visit the Victorian Energy Compare website ( or engage with an energy affordability
service through one of our participating community outreach partners.
To be eligible for the $250 Power Saving Bonus:
- You must be a Victorian residential energy consumer (i.e. have a residential electricity account).
- You must be the account holder
- Only one payment is available per household
Do you or someone you know need help applying for the $250 Power Saving Bonus?
There are a number of community organisations who can support eligible consumers to submit applications for the existing
$250 Power Saving Bonus either over-the-phone or in-person. Victorian consumers who need support can contact one of these
partner organisations for help.
Phone support:
Over the phone support is available through the following providers. If you require an interpreter call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450 and provide them with the outreach partner’s number.
- Good Shepherd: Call 1300 026 500.
- The National Debt Helpline – Consumer Action Law Centre: Call 1800 149 689.
- The Brotherhood of St. Laurence (and partners Australian Energy Foundation, GV Community Energy and Uniting Vic.Tas): Call 1800 830 029.
In-person support:
- Ethnic Council: You may drop in to Ethnic Council for more information and assistance in accessing this scheme. You may calle Ethnic Council on 58312395 and ask for Susan.
- Neighbourhood House: You can drop into a local Neighbourhood House centre for more information or call Good Shepherd on 1300 026 500 to find the closest Neighbourhood House that is currently offering support.
- The Ethnic Community Council Victoria: Delivering in-person events, call 9354 9555 to get more details.
$250 Power Saving Bonus for concession recipients
The $250 Power Saving Bonus for concession recipients has now closed. For existing application enquiries and general enquiries please
email or call 1800 000 832.
Image Credit: Victorian Energy Compare