Invitation to Join the Migrant Worker’s Regional Advisory Group

Migrant Workers Centre

The Migrant Workers Centre invite you to be part of the Migrant Workers Centre’s first ever Regional Advisory Group. We’re putting together a group of key community members leading initiatives to support CALD and bicultural communities in regional Victoria.

The goal and purpose of this advisory group is to maintain our relationship within regional Victorian communities and build unity and areas of collaboration to support migrant workers and people from CALD communities. We know that regional Victoria is home to some of Australia’s strongest migrant communities and our goal is to bring together as many key organisations and leaders to come together to plan for more ways to support migrants across Victoria.

By joining this advisory group, we can guarantee that you will have a direct say in the vision and direction of the regional work of the Migrant Workers Centre. It’s an opportunity for us to learn from you and your organisations about what has and has not worked when organising and supporting various migrant communities in regional Victoria. But more importantly, it is also an opportunity to network, build connections and expand the reach and impact of the work you’re already doing. We are not interested in reinventing the wheel, but rather, building meaningful strategic partnerships to achieve larger goals for our communities.

We are still in the early stages of developing the Migrant Workers Centre’ss regional advisory committee but are hoping we can bring together roughly 10 key leaders from across the state who can come together and help shape the work and the direction of the group.

Please let us know if this is something you’d be keen to be a part of. I’m happy to speak to you about the Regional Advisory Group in more detail should you have any questions or concerns.

Haniah Davis (she/her)
Community Organiser | Migrant Workers Centre Inc
Phone: 04 7803 1635 Email:


Migrant Workers Centre




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