Shepparton: All Paths Lead to Now

All paths lead to nowOver the last few months, Multicultural Arts Victoria and Riverlinks have been developing a significant new arts and culture initiative with a group of six local artists from First Nations and diverse communities living on Yorta Yorta country in and around Shepparton. This is a way in supporting the extended family of Pasifika and African diaspora community and the Kaieltheban country.

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Heard Instinct

Heard Instinct Logo
Heard Instinct is a pilot initiative co-designed by Multicultural Arts Victoria and a group of 10 emerging young artists of colour living in the Goulburn Valley region on Yorta Yorta country. The project is being developed to address a need for more self-determined opportunities for young artists of colour, to come together and be able to freely express themselves through the arts. The project has been made possible with support from Ethnic Council Shepparton, Gandel Philanthropy, Australia Council for the Arts and Creative Victoria.

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