Respecting Diversity In The Coronial Process

The Coronial ProcessThe Victorian Government has welcomed recommendations from the Coronial Council of Victoria to improve the experiences of multicultural and multifaith communities during the challenging coronial process.

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ECCV leading coordinated regional emergency management response

Jabba the Bus delivers vaccinationsThe Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria is working with the Victorian Multicultural Commission and regional Ethnic Councils and peak bodies to ensure the emergency response in regional areas effectively engages with local migrant and refugee communities.

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Family Violence and Sexual Assault Expression of Interest Survey

Prevent family violence

The Victorian Multicultural Commission, in partnership with Family Safety Victoria, is looking to convene a forum to better understand the challenges and barriers multicultural communities experience in accessing family violence support services.

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Salvador Nuñez on why he’s proud to be a refugee

Salvadoran refugee Salvador Nuñez

The Victorian Multicultural Commission spoke to Salvadoran refugee Salvador Nuñez to learn more about how he came to live in Victoria and what we can all do to help refugees and asylum seekers feel welcome.

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Wellbeing of public housing residents

Victorian Multicultural Commission Logo

As residents of North Melbourne and Flemington public housing estates stay at home under lockdown to stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), the Victorian Multicultural Commission has stressed the importance of their wellbeing and ensuring they are given the support they need.

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Helping Multicultural Victorians through Coronavirus

VictoriaThe Victorian Government is supporting multicultural and multifaith families to ensure they stay connected to their communities amid the coronavirus pandemic. Minister for Multicultural Affairs Ros Spence today announced $11.3 million to help these communities, which are facing their own unique challenges due to social isolation, language barriers or difficulties accessing services such as income support, Medicare or Centrelink.

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