The Mental Health and Wellbeing Division is now seeking further input on our Diverse Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Framework through the Engage Victoria platform.
The Mental Health and Wellbeing Division is now seeking further input on our Diverse Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Framework through the Engage Victoria platform.
The National Immunisation Program provides free vaccines to eligible people to help reduce diseases that can be prevented by vaccination. The Australian Government and National Immunisation Program have developed fact sheets about fighting the flu in eleven languages.
CALL for Participants: What are the reporting barriers and support needs of people who experience racism? The Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria is partnering with the Islamic Council of Victoria and Victoria University on a research project, funded by VicHealth, to inform recommendations on how to improve anti-racism support and reporting pathways. If you are a Victorian aged 18 or older and identify as a member of a multicultural or multifaith community, you are invited to take part in the project by doing this short survey.