AUSTRALIAN citizenship test pass rates plunged 65 per cent between June 2022 and August 2023, with over 100,000 individuals failing amid heightened post-pandemic migration. This marks a drop from the 80 per cent pass rate seen from 2017 to 2021.
AUSTRALIAN citizenship test pass rates plunged 65 per cent between June 2022 and August 2023, with over 100,000 individuals failing amid heightened post-pandemic migration. This marks a drop from the 80 per cent pass rate seen from 2017 to 2021.
To the Bakhtar Community Organisation, one of Australia’s greatest strengths is our values. That’s why a fair go and equality of opportunity for all is at the heart of everything they do, including supporting over 2000 refugees in Victoria.
The Department of Home Affairs has established a website and four social media channels celebrating Australian Values. The website and social media channels will help to promote Australian values and our inclusive national identity. This website hosts information in English and in the top three languages other than English spoken in Australia – Chinese, Arabic, and Vietnamese.