Unity: Supporting Jewish and Palestinian Communities in Victoria

Ethnic Communities Council of VictoriaThe Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria has released a message, ‘Unity in the Face of Conflict: Supporting Jewish and Palestinian Communities in Victoria, calling for unity in the light of anguish felt here in Australia caused by this conflict in the Gaza strip. As we continue to witness unfolding events, we must remain resolute in upholding the values of multiculturalism, inclusivity, and social cohesion.

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Submissions to National Anti-Racism Framework now open

Australian Human Rights Commission

The Australian Human Rights Commission is calling for submissions for a National Anti-Racism Framework. Submissions are open now until 21 December. The Commission wants to know – from you – where the responsibility for a National Anti-Racism Framework should sit, and how we can best achieve our goal of an Australia that is free from racism.

The Commission invites you to make a submission to share your vision of a future where all Australians are treated equally, and with dignity and respect.

The Commission will analyse submissions and consider all the feedback it receives as we develop a Conversation and Consultation Report and a revised Framework Concept Paper.

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Social Cohesion

Pillars of Social Cohesion
Social cohesion is a term used to understand how to go about building community strengthening and community empowerment. We could ask, “What the foundations for mutual respect are in our society? Where do we find a common sense of belonging? How do we build confidence in our whole community? These – and other issues – are found in the building blocks of social cohesion.

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