Unity: Supporting Jewish and Palestinian Communities in Victoria

Ethnic Communities Council of VictoriaThe Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria has released a message, ‘Unity in the Face of Conflict: Supporting Jewish and Palestinian Communities in Victoria, calling for unity in the light of anguish felt here in Australia caused by this conflict in the Gaza strip. As we continue to witness unfolding events, we must remain resolute in upholding the values of multiculturalism, inclusivity, and social cohesion.

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Visa exploitation review

Visa exploitation reviewThe federal government will crack down on migration agents following a review that found “unscrupulous” agents were rorting the visa system and that Australia’s migration system was being exploited by organised criminals for human trafficking. The Nixon Review was established to complement work already being progressed by the Department of Home Affairs. This work addresses migrant worker exploitation, and aims to more effectively prevent, deter and sanction abuse of Australia’s visa framework.

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