Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District undertakes a wide range of activities engaging in community strengthening for new arrivals, and building social cohesion – enabling settlement communities to build strong connections and participate in community activities. This is enabled by the Capacity Building and Participation Program is administered by the Office of Multicultural Affairs.
The Strategic Partnerships Grants category aims to use a strategic partnership approach, drawing upon community strengths and resources, to address the needs of multicultural, refugee and asylum seeker communities in defined areas across Victoria by:
- building their capacity including by strengthening education, employment or volunteering pathways and outcomes;
- increasing their participation and inclusion in community life;
- improving their access to government services; and
- promoting community harmony.
Links to activities:
Cultural Bus Tour offers multicultural snapshot
Lailat ul Bara’h (15 Shabaan – Night of Forgiveness)
Shepparton Nawruz Celebration 2019
South Sudan Independence Day
Community Conversations – David Manne
Men’s Support Group Monthly events
Greater Shepparton Youth of Colour and Culture – Unpacking the Impact of Terrorism