You can still go and get Vaccination at McIntosh Centre

Vaccination at McIntosh CentreCOVID-19 vaccinations are continuing for people in the Goulburn Valley. COVID-19 vaccines will help protect you, your family and your community from COVID-19. The vaccines are free for everyone in Australia, even if you are not an Australian citizen or permanent resident. This includes people without a Medicare card, overseas visitors, international students, migrant workers and asylum seekers.

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Kikao cha Afya ya Jamii – Covid 19 – Kiswahili

Wise Well Women Community Health Educator ProgramMkutano wa Afya ya Jamii utafanyika katika Jumba la St Paul la Afrika kwa kikundi kinachozungumza Kongo – Kiswahili mnamo Jumatano tarehe 14 Julai 2021. Daktari Helen Roberts wa Kituo cha Chanjo cha McIntosh atakuwepo kujibu maswali ya kitabibu. Waalimu wa Afya ya Jamii watahudhuria kutoa msaada. Huduma ya watoto inapatikana kwa wale wanaohitaji. Kuanzia 4:30 – 6pm

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جلسة صحة المجتمع – كوفيد 19 – عربي

Wise Well Women Community Health Educator Programستعقد جلسة صحة المجتمع في St Paul’s African House للناطقين بالعربية العراقية والسورية يوم الثلاثاء 20 يوليو 2021. وستكون الدكتورة هيلين روبرتس من مركز ماكنتوش للتلقيح على استعداد للإجابة على الأسئلة الطبية. سيكون معلمو صحة المجتمع حاضرين لتقديم المساعدة. رعاية الأطفال متاحة لمن يحتاجون إليها.

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Community Health Session – Covid 19 – English

Wise Well Women Community Health Educator ProgramA Community Health Session will be held at St Paul’s African House for English, Filipino and Sri Lankan language groups on Tuesday 20 July 2021. Doctor Helen Roberts of the McIntosh Vaccination Hub will be on hand to answer medical questions. Community Health Educators will be in attendance to provide assistance. Childcare is available for those who need it.

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Covid 19 Video in Translation

The following Video are supplied in Arabic, Turkce, Punjabi, Dinka, Dari and Pashto to help people remain aware of the restrictions with Covid-19

فيديو عربي


Türkçe Video


ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਵੀਡੀਓ


Dinka Video


Dari Video


پښتو ویډیو


Covid-19: Communicating with our Multicultural Communities

Mobile Van at TallygaroopnaDuring the period 16-22 October 2020, the Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District teamed up with staff from the City of Greater Shepparton to provide local multicultural communities with immediate information about Covid-19 and local testing sites.

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Extreme Hardship Support Program

Red Cross LogoThe Coronavirus (COVID-19) Extreme Hardship Support Program is emergency financial relief to help people pay for food, medicine or bills during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. It is provided by the Victorian Government, with Red Cross. The program also provides information and referrals to those in need.

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The Long View on COVID-19 – Prof. Brett Sutton

Prof Brett Sutton

The University of Melbourne, Department of Rural Health invite you to their final public webinar for 2020, featuring Prof. Brett Sutton, who will be speaking on The Long View on COVID-19 – What Will 2021 Look Like?. Professor Brett Sutton is the Victorian Chief Health Officer. The seminar will be presented online, on Tuesday 1st December, 2020, form 6:30pm – 7:30pm.

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