25 Languages: What can I do to help someone experiencing domestic, family and sexual violence?

What can I do to help someone experiencing domestic, family and sexual violence?Health Translations provides a significant resource for domestic vilence in 25 languages. Domestic, family and sexual violence (DFSV) can be a difficult subject to talk about. It may be considered a taboo topic or a private, family issue. If you recognise the signs that things are not right, there are things you can do.

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New videos from the Diverse Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Project

New videos from the Diverse Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing ProjectTwo new video campaigns in Dari and Arabic (with English subtitles) have been launched to encourage open discussion about mental health and seeking support, as well as informing community members about the current mental health reforms in Victoria.

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Statement from the the Victorian Refugee Health Network on the escalating violence in Palestine and Israel

Refugee Women’s Health Sector SurveyThe Victorian Refugee Health Network recognises the recent atrocities that have occurred in Israel and that continue to occur within the Occupied Territories of Palestine including Gaza and the West Bank. These events are inflicting enduring and devastating humanitarian consequences including loss of life and widespread trauma.

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Hiring through the Skilled Refugee Labour Agreement Pilot Program

Skilled Refugee Labour Agreement Pilot ProgramIs your business/industry experiencing a skills shortage? Are you interested in accessing a source of skilled labour that also offers a skilled refugee and their family the opportunity to rebuild their lives in Australia? The Department of Home Affairs invites you to attend our free webinar on how Australian employers can use the Skilled Refugee Labour Agreement Pilot Program.

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Generous donation helps new Australians transition easier

Donation of BicyclesSHEPPARTON has a long proud history of welcoming new arrivals to the country. There are many struggles involved for the families when they touch down on this strange land called Australia. With the help of fantastic organisations like the Ethnic Council of Shepparton and Shepparton English Language Centre, the transition into Australian life is made a little easier.

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